Koordinierungs- und Interventionsstelle gegen häusliche Gewalt und Stalking (Koins)   im Landkreis Mittelsachsen

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence refers to violence between adults in families or partnerships, irrespective of where the crime occurred and without a common place of residence. It refers to all forms of physical, sexual, psychological, economic, and social violence between adults who have close relationships with each other. Domestic violence is committed in one's shelter, home, work, and social environment.

Children are always affected by domestic violence. Domestic violence (also as observed violence) is, therefore, always a risk factor for endangering the welfare of children. However, domestic violence does not refer to violence against underage children in the family, which is called child abuse or child welfare endangerment.

Forms of domestic violence (rarely occur in isolation but have many different faces):

  • Physical violence: e.g., slaps in the face, punches, kicks, pushes, choking, restraints, attacks with weapons of any kind or with objects, murder, ...
  • Psychological violence: e.g., threats, insults, humiliation, disrespect, belittling, and destruction of valuable personal belongings, ...
  • Social violence: e.g., isolation of the victim from family and friends, control of contacts, prohibition of connections, imprisonment, ...
  • Financial violence: e.g., prohibition or coercion to work, denial of access to money, allocation of funds, creating economic dependence, money as a means of reward and punishment, ...
  • Sexualized violence: sexual harassment, sexual coercion, rape, attempted rape, sexual abuse...

What effects can domestic violence have:

Physical consequences:

  • Physical injuries, bruises, fractures, haematomas, cuts, dental injuries, ....
    Psychological consequences:
  • Sleep disorders, concentration difficulties, depression, eating disorders, addictions, self-harm, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidal thoughts, lowered self-esteem, fears, feelings of shame and guilt, ...

Psychosocial consequences:

  • Social withdrawal, isolation, loss of contact, ...
  • Financial consequences (e.g.: due to a move, loss of job and income)
  • Deadly consequences